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Danielle is a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher, Trauma Informed Somatic Breath Facilitator, yoga teacher, and Educator.  Her focus is on helping build the mind-body connection through movement, mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork.  

It has been through her own, personal journey of healing, that she found mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and breathwork.  The transformation she witnessed within was empowering.  It was then she knew she wanted to share these healing modalities with others. The combination of these practices can have a synergistic healing effect on both the body and the mind.  Each element contributes to overall well-being and balance. 

Danielle has been teaching these practices for over a decade to thousands of children and adults. The results she has witnessed have been astounding, some of which include enhanced focus, emotional regulation, self-awareness, stress reduction, and improved mental clarity.  She believes in meeting individuals where they are, on their journey, tailoring support to their unique needs, and helping them find what resonates for their personal growth.  She creates a safe space filled with love and acceptance that allows each individual to explore and nurture their inner well-being without judgment, fostering a sense of peace and self-discovery.

  • Certified Pause Somatic Breathwork Facilitator

  • Extensive training in the fields of mindfulness and meditation

  • Mindful Schools Year-Long Certified Instructor

  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher - 2 year training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach

  • International Mindfulness Teacher Association certification (one of 500 in the nation with this!)

  • Certified Trauma Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth 

  • Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher

  • Smart Body Smart Mind Apprentice



"The mind is like water.  When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see.  When it's calm, everything becomes clear."

Prasad Mahes

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